Using Netopia Virtual Office

All of the procedures in this chapter assume you have already established a TCP/IP connection (either over an intranet or over a dial-up link).

TopStarting Virtual Office

To start Virtual Office, select the Netopia Virtual Office program from Windows 95's Start button menu or double-click the Netopia Virtual Office icon in the Netopia Virtual Office program group.

Note: Netopia Virtual Office will start automatically whenever you start Windows. If you decide that you'd rather not have Windows start Virtual Office automatically, open the Options dialog box and clear the Launch Netopia Virtual Office at startup check box.

Question Starting Virtual Office before making a dial-in or network connection.

Whenever Virtual Office is running, you can see its icon next to the clock in your Windows 95 taskbar:

Taskbar icon

In Windows 3.1, you'll see the minimized Netopia Virtual Office icon.

Desktop icon

To display the Netopia Virtual Office Console, double-click the Virtual Office icon. The Console is where you can configure your Virtual Office Web site.

Console window

If you want to open your Virtual Office to visitors, make sure a check mark is visible in the Open Office check box.

Note: If you want to close your Office to visitors, clear the Open Office check box. You will still be able to visit other Virtual Offices when your Virtual Office is not open.

TopArranging Your Office

The Netopia Virtual Office Console provides you with the means to change your Office configuration.

For more information on how to customize your Office layout, see Decorating Your Virtual Office.

TopUsing Online Help

Virtual Office's online help contains step-by-step instructions for all common procedures, as well as troubleshooting hints, keyboard shortcuts, and a glossary.

To display the online help for a particular window or menu command, press the F1 key. For example, to read the online help associated with the Design command, press the F1 key while the Design command is selected.

 Context-sensitive menu + F1

Virtual Office will provide context-sensitive help for many of the dialog boxes when you press F1.

Selecting the Contents command in the Console's Help menu displays the table of contents for Virtual Office's comprehensive online help.

Online help Contents

TopUnderstanding Netopia Virtual Office

Netopia Virtual Office places your computer on the World Wide Web. Internet visitors with the proper credentials can send you messages, chat, talk, view your screen, or control your computer through the Internet connection. This section describes what a visitor will see when he or she visits your Virtual Office using a Web browser such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Decorating Your Virtual Office describes how you can configure your Virtual Office Web site.

To visit another Virtual Office, enter the Internet name of the user you wish to visit in the URL box of your browser.

Browser URL box

An Office can have up to five main areas-Office Door, Conference Room, In/Out Basket, Links, and Help. A visitor who enters a Netopia Virtual Office Internet Name in the Location box of a Web browser will arrive at the Virtual Office Door. He or she can then view any of the other areas by clicking the appropriate button on the left of the page. No matter where you go in Virtual Office, these control buttons are always available.

Note: Depending on how a Virtual Office has been set up, some of the services and service areas illustrated below may not be available.

Virtual Office buttons

Office Door

When a visitor connects to another Netopia Virtual Office, the first thing he or she sees is the Office Door. Like a real office door, the Office Door displays the office owner's name, including any "whereabouts" information that Office owner wishes to provide. The Office Door also provides a way for visitors to leave messages for the Office owner and and "knock" to see if the Office owner is at his or her computer.

There are four options--Welcome, Get In Touch, Business Card, and Message--available on the Office Door.

Office Door

Conference Room

The Conference Room allows visitors to collaborate with the Office owner in a number of different ways. Depending upon how an Office is set up, a visitor to a Virtual Office Conference Room can

Conference Room


For instructions on how to use Virtual Office's services, please consult Virtual Office's online help.

Note: There are three versions of Virtual Office: the (free) client, the (free) evaluation version, and the full version. If an Office visitor is not equipped with any of those versions of Virtual Office, Virtual Office will automatically download and install the Virtual Office client software on the visitor's computer.

In/Out Basket

The Virtual Office In/Out Basket area provides locations for visitors and Office owners to leave messages and files for one another.

In/Out Baskets

The In Basket allows a visitor to send a message and, if desired, a file to an Office owner.

The Out Baskets allow an Office owner to post files that his or her visitors can download at any time. The Public Out Basket is available to any visitor. Private Out Baskets are password protected and are usually set up for specific visitors or groups of visitors.

Note: There are three versions of Virtual Office: the (free) client, the (free) evaluation version, and the full version. If an Office visitor is not equipped with any of those versions of Virtual Office, Virtual Office will automatically download and install the Virtual Office client software on the visitor's computer.


The Links page allows an Office owner to easily post the URLs to his or her favorite Virtual Offices and Web pages.


TopProtecting Your Office

Just as you can refuse to admit a visitor who appears at a real office door, you can refuse to admit a visitor to your Virtual Office. There are four levels of security.

All visits (except for Out Basket and Message) are recorded in the Activity Log.

For more security details, select the Contents command in the Netopia Virtual Office Console's Help menu to display the online help.

Help Contents selection

TopMonitoring and Disconnecting Visitors

Virtual Office provides several ways for you to keep track of visitors' activities on your computer. If need be, you can also disconnect an unruly visitor.

Monitoring Your Visitors

When visitors are connected to your computer, one or more notification icons flash in your taskbar. In the illustration, a Look icon indicates the presence of a visitor who is looking at your screen:

Taskbar icon

If more than one visitor is connected to your PC and each visitor is using a different service, the icons of the active services will flash in alternation. In Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups, the Virtual Office icon itself will flash with the service that is in use.

Note: Once a visitor has completed his or her task and is no longer connected to your PC, a dimmed icon representing the service will remain in the Visitor list.

Disconnecting Your Visitors

If you want to disconnect one of your current visitors, follow the procedure below.

  1. Using the right mouse button, click the Virtual Office icon.
  2. Select the name of the visitor you want to disconnect from the list. If you want to disconnect everybody, select Disconnect All Visitors.

As soon as you make your selection, the visitor(s) will be disconnected.

TopExiting Virtual Office

Netopia Virtual Office provides two "exit" options.


Exit closes any of the open Virtual Office windows but leaves Virtual Office running in the background. If you exit without shutting down in Windows 95 you will see the Virtual Office icon in the taskbar.

Taskbar icon

If you exit without shutting down in Windows 3.1 you will see a minimized Netopia Virtual Office icon on the desktop.

Desktop icon

After you Exit Virtual Office, visitors will still be able to make Virtual Office and Timbuktu connections to your computer.

To exit Virtual Office:

  1. If necessary, maximize Virtual Office by double-clicking its icon in the taskbar.
  2. Choose Exit from the File menu.

Exit and Shut Down

Exit and Shut Down stops all Virtual Office activities.

After you Exit and Shut Down Virtual Office, visitors will not be able to make Virtual Office or Timbuktu connections to your computer.

To exit and shut down Virtual Office:

  1. If necessary, maximize Virtual Office by double-clicking its icon in the taskbar.
  2. If there are any active Virtual Office sessions in progress, display the session windows and cancel each session.
    Note: If a visitor is using one of your Virtual Office services, you will be told that a connection is active. You can then decide whether or not you still want to shut down your Virtual Office.
  3. Choose Exit and Shut Down Virtual Office from the File menu.
