Decorating Your Virtual Office

This chapter describes

TopThe Console Window

Use the Netopia Virtual Office Console window to configure your Virtual Office Web site.

Virtual Office Console window

The Netopia Virtual Office Console window appears on your screen when you start the Netopia Virtual Office application. If Virtual Office is already running in the background, double-click the Virtual Office icon to view the Console.

This chapter describes how you can configure your Virtual Office using the options available in the Console window.

TopDesigning Your Virtual Office

The Netopia Virtual Office Console's Design function allows you to tailor your Office configuration to your needs. To reach the Virtual Office Design window, click the Design button in the Console window.

The Design function lets you enter the personal information that Virtual Office will provide to visitors. This information includes your Business Card entries (name, address, email, etc.), your favorite Web links, and your Office Door title information (company name and URL).

The Design function also lets you choose whether or not to include a Conference Room (with or without a Microsoft NetMeeting option), In Baskets, or Out Baskets in your Virtual Office.

To personalize your Virtual Office:

  1. Open the Netopia Virtual Office Console.
  2. Click the Design button. The Design window opens and displays the Office Door options.
  3. Click the desired button--Office, Conference, In/Out, or Links. The following sections describe the Design options for each item.
  4. Select or cancel options and edit information in the text boxes.

Designing Your Office Door

The Design window's Office Door option lets you enter information that will be displayed to anyone who visits your Office Door. The Office Door's Business Card option offers your visitors detailed information on how to contact you.

Design Office Door

Note: You cannot leave the Name box blank.

Designing Your Conference Room

The Design window's Conference Room option lets you specify whether to include a Virtual Office Conference Room--a place where visitors can ask to use the more sophisticated functions of Virtual Office, such as Look or Chat.

Design Conference

If you have Microsoft NetMeeting installed, you can choose to offer it to your visitors as well.

Conference Room Design options that are not checked will not be visible to your visitors. For example, if you do not select either of the Conference Room options, a visitor will not see a Conference button in his or her browser.

Designing Your In and Out Baskets

The Design window's In/Out Basket option lets you choose whether to offer In and Out Baskets to your visitors.

Design In/Out Basket

Designing Your Links

The Design window's Links option provides you with an easy way to share your favorite Web addresses with your visitors.

Design Links

TopSetting Your Virtual Office Options

The Console window's Options button opens up a dialog box that allows you to modify options for the Look, In Basket, and Knock services. The Master Password tab provides you with a way to prevent an unauthorized user from changing your Virtual Office configuration.

Options window

When you click the Help button, you will see the online help that corresponds to the selected tab.

TopSecuring Your Virtual Office

The Console window's Security button opens up a dialog box that allows you to create new Trusted visitors and set office privileges for all visitors.

Security window

When you click the Help button, you will see the online help that corresponds to the selected tab.

TopConfiguring Your Out Baskets

The Console window's Out Baskets button opens up a window that allows you to add new Out Baskets to your Virtual Office and/or place files into specific Out Baskets.

Out Basket window

Click the Help button in the Out Baskets dialog box for details.

TopPreviewing your Office

Once you have made changes to your Virtual Office, you may want to step back and get a visitor's-eye view.

To inspect your own Virtual Office:

  1. Make sure that your Web browser is installed and properly configured. Your Web browser does not have to be running.
  2. Start Netopia Virtual Office. The Netopia Virtual Office Console appears.
  3. Click the Preview button.

Netopia Virtual Office will start your Web browser and display your Office Door.


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