Introducing Netopia Virtual Office

This section provides general information about Netopia Virtual Office.

TopWhat Does Virtual Office Do?

The purpose of Netopia Virtual Office is to link your personal work environment to anyone who has a standard Web browser and an Internet/intranet connection. A "visitor" (a user at a remote computer) can use his or her Web browser to interact with you as they might interact with you in a personal meeting.

Virtual Office gives you the freedom to do the following things:

Control example

Using Virtual Office to edit a spreadsheet by remote control

Look example

Using Virtual Office to look at a drawing on a remote computer

Intercom example

Using the Virtual Office Intercom to talk to another user

Chat example

Using Virtual Office's Chat service to discuss a meeting

Out Basket example

Working with Virtual Office Out Baskets

Message example

Sending a message and a file to another Virtual Office

Netopia Virtual Office is easy to use because it speaks HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)--the language of the World Wide Web. Netopia Virtual Office contains a small HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) engine that serves up the customized Web pages you create when you install Netopia Virtual Office. These personalized Virtual Office Web pages are kept in a folder on your hard drive, enabling you to change them at any time.

TopWhere Is Virtual Office Located?

All of Virtual Office's parts are located on your hard drive.

Virtual Office overview

TopWhat Is an Internet Name?

An Internet Name is the name you pick--such as johnqpublic--when you create your Virtual Office. You can then encourage others to visit your Office by simply having them enter your Internet Name-- the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) box of their Web browsers. You don't need to remember any numbers!

For portable computer users, you can move from place to place without worry--Farallon's Netopia Name Server computer will keep you in touch with all of your friends. For even more flexibility, you can use your Internet Name on any computer that is equipped with Virtual Office. Whenever you log on to the Internet, Virtual Office will send your Internet Name to Farallon's Name Server, automatically updating your Internet address information. Farallon's Internet Name service runs 24 hours a day at Farallon's worldwide headquarters.

You can send your Internet Name to your friends and colleagues or put it on your business cards. No matter where you are, your friends and associates will always be able to find your Office.

Note: If you don't start your Netopia Virtual Office for six months and if another user requests the Internet Name you originally chose, you will have to select a new Internet Name when you decide to reopen your Virtual Office.

TopWhat Hardware and Software Do I Need?

Virtual Office's minimum hardware and software requirements are outlined below.

Hardware Requirements

If you do not intend to use Intercom, you need

If you intend to use Intercom, you need

Software Requirements

To run Netopia Virtual Office, you need

Netopia Virtual Office is compatible with version 1.x of Timbuktu Pro for Windows and with versions 2.x and 3.x of Timbuktu Pro for Macintosh.

